Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Upper Left: Program Mode, Flash on camera pointed at subject
Upper Right: Program Mode, Flash off camera pointed at subject
Lower Left: Aperture Priority, Flash off camera pointed at subject
Lower Right: Program Mode, Flash off camera pointed at wall
f/8, 1/40 sec at ISO 100 Equal
f/11, 1/20 sec at ISO 100 subject one stop under background
f/8, 1/80 sec at ISO 100 subject one stop over background
f/8, 1/160 at ISO 100 subject two stops over background

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

HMI continuous light f/8 @ 1/6 sec (top right)
Strobe with softbox and honeycomb grid f/8 @ 1/125 (top left)
Combination of continuous and strobe f/8 @ 1/10 sec (bottom left)
Combination with movement f/8 @ 1/10 sec (bottom right)
continuous light on subject, strobe on background, still and moving

Tuesday, September 20, 2011